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Digital tech, AI makes dining smart, delicious at eatery

publish:2021-08-06 18:48:55   views :435
publish:2021-08-06 18:48:55  
A customer pays for food via the smart catering system in the smart restaurant in Shanghai on Aug 3, 2021. [Photo/IC]

Powered by digital technology and artificial intelligence, a smart restaurant has burst into the dining scene this July in Hongqiao community, Changning district in Shanghai.

The 133-square-meter restaurant serves up a variety of Chinese and Western foods, including noodles, stir-fries, snacks and breakfast items.

Robots are in charge of cooking and serving, which largely increases the efficiency compared to a traditional restaurant.

"We also developed some special applications tailored to senior citizens, making it easy for them to order dishes online." said Xu Jianchun, an official of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, Xinhua reported.

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chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2021-08-06 13:21

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A robot puts noodles into a bowl, in the smart restaurant in Shanghai on Aug 3, 2021. [Photo/IC]

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